All The News

All The News

Stemps Pond Re-opens

The wait is over and we can at last open a few pegs on Stemps for fishing from … Read More

Found at Shopham

If you are missing a bank stick and rod rest from a recent trip to Shopham, they have … Read More

A landing net handle has been found in the parking area at Fittleworth. Obviously missed when someone was … Read More

We now have almost everything in place to start the work seriously on the renovation of Cart Pond. … Read More

One of our members has left a Sharpes of Aberdeen Sea Trout landing net in the car park … Read More

For those new to the club the Barbel Fish‐In is held in memory of Chris Humphry, a passionate … Read More

Barbel Spawning

One of our members recently got some stunning video footage of the Barbel Spawning in the Rother, which … Read More

Colin Smithson recently received confirmation from the British Record Fish Committee that the 21lb 2oz giant he caught from one of our Club’s stretches of the River Rother on November 7th has been accepted as a new British rod caught record … Read More

The thirteenth Chris Humphry Memorial Barbel Fish-in was held at the usual venue. Lynnette Humphry was there to … Read More

Who said Friday the 13th was unlucky? It certainly wasn’t unlucky for Ben Sharman … Read More

Close Season Retained

Following public consultation, the Environment Agency have decided that the rivers close season should be retained in it’s … Read More

This report covers the monitoring surveys carried out by the EA in 2018. The full report which covers … Read More

Robert Penfold

It is with great regret that the club announce the death of Robert (Bob) Penfold. Bob who died … Read More

The twelfth Chris Humphry Memorial Barbel Fish-in was held at the usual venue. Once again Lynnette Humphry was … Read More

The previous biggest club and Rother Barbel came from Fittleworth in November 2014 and weighed in at a … Read More