Match Information
Petworth and Bognor Angling Club hold matches to suit all tastes throughout the season including club matches on our home waters some away day on local commercial waters, some of these are in conjunction with other local clubs. We also fish a series of fairly serious Inter-Club League Matches.
Club Matches – There is a comprehensive range of club matches on both still and running water. These normally take place on Sundays although there are three early season Wednesday evening series. Most club matches take place on our own waters although we do have a few ‘away days’. Although competitive the matches have a friendly atmosphere and all newcomers are made welcome. Established club anglers are always ready to pass on advice on tactics and baits to new recruits. For the pleasure angler and the beginner we run a couple of friendly series of matches. We have a couple of matches at Petworth Park in early June and the Wednesday evening series of matches on the Rother offers an excellent opportunity for those that are new to match fishing or indeed new to the river to get a good insight into what its all about. All Club matches have an optional pools, which no one is obliged to enter if they don’t wish to, all we ask is a contribution of 50p per match towards the upkeep and engraving costs of our extensive range of Trophies.
Barbecue Match – This invitation only event is run as a “thank you” to all the members of the club who voluntarily devote their time in the interests of all our members. This not only includes the committee but all those members who spare a few hours to attend our work parties.
[ Click HERE for Fixture List ]
[ Click HERE for Results Index ]
Three Counties – Over the seasons the club has enjoyed great success in the Three Counties Angling League at our peak we had three teams two in the top division and one in the second division and we went through an incredible spell with trophy wins every season. In recent years things have been a little quieter and we now only run one team although if the interest is there we would be prepared to run more. Although a hotly contested league all the anglers are local club men there are no super stars in Three Counties and the league is keen to keep the league for genuine club anglers who just enjoy a bit of competition on a few different venues. The Three Counties season runs from July through to January with one match per month on the second Sunday. If you are interested in the first instance just come along to a few club matches
Trophies – Our Club has a splendid array of trophies, Cups and Shields and these are presented at our annual AGM.