Match Results 2019/20

Match Results 2019/20

Still Water 2 - Petworth Park

A very still Petworth Park lake greeted the eleven anglers who fished the last match scheduled for this … Read More

River Evening 1 - Fittleworth

A funny evening weather wise, the forecast was for rain from about four in the afternoon continuing through … Read More

Still Water Evening 5 - Stemps Pond

A fairly miserable evening weather wise but at least the rain finally passed by about 7.30 which gave … Read More

Silver / Carp 1 - Hurston Match Pond

Now this match takes a bit of explaining. As the water has a good head of carp but … Read More

Still Water Evening 4 - Hurston Match Pond

It was good that the light is lasting just that bit longer in the evening. It means that … Read More

Away 2 - Chollers Farm

It was a very warm and humid day at Chollers Farm which is just behind our Stemps & … Read More

Still Water Evening 3 - The Granary

The weather and the fact that the Carp were in full spawning frenzy made this quite a hard … Read More

Still Water 1 - Petworth Park

Having heard of some outstanding pleasure sessions from Petworth Park over the last month or so we had … Read More

Still Water Evening 2 - Hurston Middle Pond

Our usual reporter / photographer was away trying to empty an Italian wine lake! So our report and … Read More

Still Water Evening 1 - Hurston Tench Pond

Hurston Tench Pond was the venue for the first evening match of the season and the Tench obliged … Read More

Away Match 1 - Passies Match Pond

The first match of the season was fished against The Sportsman club at Passies match lake. This was … Read More