Members Gallery

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May 2024

Mark Eales landed this fine 3lb 4oz Crucian Carp in a recent session at Petworth Park Lake

April 2014

17 year old Connor Gillen pictured with one of the 23 bream he landed at Petworth Park Lake whilst fishing along side his Dad Mark.

After a slow start the bream turned up and took a liking to his dead red maggot baits presented on the feeder.

All the fish were caught in a three hour period in a session young Connor won’t forget in a hurry.


April 2024

Two of your committee managed to find time for a session on Petworth Park along with another member.  All caught a few Bream.

Pictured are Paul Beard (left) and Barry Goodhew (right)

November 2023

With the river levels in the Rother dropping Kevin Jackman set out to tackle the river’s Pike.

He was rewarded with this fine specimen weighing 21lb 8oz.

The successful bait was a mackerel tail.

July 2023

Kevin Jackman caught this super 3lb 3oz Crucian Carp on a recent session at Petworth Park lake.

June 2022

Rob Upton caught this Carp estimated at 12lb from the Rother at Shopham on the opening day of the season. He said that it was his first ‘June 16th’ for a few years having taken a bit of time off from fishing and was thrilled to start the season with such a lovely fish. 

March 2022

Scott Chatfield one of our keen Carp Anglers landed this magnificent Carp, the best  so far this year. We think the fish is probably the same one as Gary Mason’s club record Carp from Holmbush. This time weighing in at 27lb 2oz just 2oz short of the record weight recorded last May.

September 2021

After the disappointment of hooking and losing a decent barbel on the last cast of the day at Fittleworth Jamie Carter fished the next day on the Coates Castle stretch of the Rother where he caught this lovely mirror carp, on meat, with his first cast.  Jamie had forgotten his scales but estimates it was comfortably over 12lb+.

Although he’s only been a member for 2 seasons Jamie says he has really enjoyed fishing the Rother and having caught his PB chub, bream, eel and river carp from there he now  just needs one of those specimen barbel.

August 2021

11 year old Holly Oxford caught this lovely mirror carp while fishing with her Dad John at Hurston Lane Fishery.

The fish which looks almost like a wood carving was caught using sweetcorn as bait during an evening session on the Match Pond.

July 2021

On a recent session at Stemps Pond Steve Shaw caught this colourful goldfish.

Steve also had one of a similar size from Cart Pond on a previous visit to Stemps Wood.