News Report
On Sunday 14 July 2013 a collection of ever-hopeful barbel anglers assembled in the car park at Coultershaw for the latest chapter in what is becoming a familiar story. I’m sure most of us wouldn’t have chosen to fish for barbel in what turned out to be the hottest day so far this year. However, there was no way of predicting back in February what the weather would be doing in five months’ time, so there we were. I had taken my portable weather station with me to provide some entertainment, and this touched 38◦ C in the shade of my umbrella!
These are the facts. Fourteen of us fished from 1.00 to 7.00 pm; no barbel were caught, but a few of us had some chub with Mick Mills topping the league with four to four and a half pounds. Well that was the fishing, ultimately disappointing in terms of catches, but much as most of us had expected. However, it was a jolly bunch of anglers who gathered by the cattle drink for some much needed refreshment courtesy of Lynnette Humphry and Mick.
Although no-one was going to walk away with the cup currently held by Dave Chambers, there was a presentation, with Lynnette handing out a medal to each of us. I think we earned it for being there in that sweltering heat! As someone who fished (and blanked) with Chris on numerous occasions, I’m sure he would have appreciated the situation and the turnout, which raised £160 to be donated on this occasion to Cancer Research UK.
Anglers who attended were as follows: Steve Batton, Paul Berry, Gordon Bolton, Colin Bridger, Rob Carnell, Dave Chambers, Nigel Chapman, Martin Cornish, Peter Foster, Trevor Horton, Nelson Keet, Mike Kitchener, Mick Mills and Christophe Pelhate. Although not able to fish on the day, donations were also made by Peter Chase and Roger Poole. Thanks to everyone who supported this event.
A reminder that the next Chris Humphry Barbel Fish-in will be held at Coultershaw on Sunday 8 September 2013.