News Report
Well its déjà vu for this event! Last year our first barbel fish-in produced the grand total of zero barbel, and the same has happened again this year. There were twelve anglers participating and I did hear that Nelson missed what was almost certainly a barbel whilst talking to a fellow attendee – there has to be a moral there somewhere!
Anyway, the important element of the day was to raise money, and that we did – with £180 raised this time round. We will be putting the money raised this year, together with that from last year, towards having an oak bench made and sited at our Hurston Lane fishery. Mike Kitchener, our woodworker supreme, has agreed to construct the bench.
Chris’s family have asked that any money left over, together with monies raised at future events, should take the form of a bursary to help young club members make their way in the angling world. At the moment we are looking at how best to fulfil the family’s wishes and we will let you know what the club decide to do.
In the meantime, back to the barbel; we have decided to have a second round which will take place on Sunday 14th October at Coultershaw. Times are as follows:
Meet for draw at 10.00
Fish from 11.00 to 17.00
Followed by (hopefully) the presentation!
The details are as before, with a 30 second walk off for swims at the start, and as per round 2 last year we will allow the use of two rods to maximise the chance of a few barbel being caught.
If you would like to take part or would like more information please contact either Mick Mills on 07743 980956 or Peter Foster on 01243 779350, 07711 230128 or email him at