News Report

Coates Castle Ghostie

Colin Bridger almost got a fright when he hooked into the ghost Koi Carp pictured below whilst Chub fishing on our stretch of the River Rother at Coates Castle. The double figure Carp had to be played very carefully on the gear Colin was using and as you can see it only just fitted into his landing net.
Colin informs us the scale and fin perfect fish weighing 10lb 7oz gave a very good account of itself’ when it picked up his legered breadflake.
Colin's Ghostie
Experienced angler Colin tells us he always carries an unhooking mat when fishing for barbel but usually manages to unhook his fish in the landing net when he is Chub fishing. ‘Just goes to show you never know what you might catch on our rivers’ he says and advises members to be prepared for the unexpected.
Colin who also had three nice chub in the same session was surprised to see two Black Swans amongst a flock of Mute Swans in the fields on the opposite bank. Thanks for that Colin that’s another one to add to our Rother Bird Survey.