News Report

Stemps Pond Re-opens

The wait is over and we can at last open a few pegs on Stemps for fishing from Saturday 31st December. Very strictly only pegs 1 – 8 are available.

DO NOT venture into the cordoned off areas – beyond peg 8 on Stemps or anywhere round Cart. The bridge has yet to be built and the ground on the far side of where the bridge will be is still very soft. There is still work going on round Cart and we do not want anglers round there at the moment – also we have not yet put any stock in the pond.

As and when we re-build the bridge and the ground stabilises we will be able to open up more pegs around Stemps and when we get some stock into Cart and have given them a chance to settle in we will start to open up pegs round Cart.

Many thanks for your patience.