Match Report

Match:  Away Day 6
Venue:  Passies
Winner:  Vince Herringshaw
11 - 8 - 0
Runner Up:  Keith Hughes
10 - 12 - 0
Third:  Paul Ward
7 - 1 - 0


Our last club match of 2021 saw a good turn out for an away day at Passie’s on a chilly morning with a fresh breeze. We had been given the choice of any part of the match lake and used the Bunker straight as at this time of year it seems to hold a few more fish.

The first 3 hours it seemed to be a match of 2 halves with the anglers above the Bunker catching a few fish and all the anglers below blanking, But come the end everyone had caught and the winning weight was from below the Bunker.


Club standings at the winter break.

Club points

1st Keith Hughes 131

2nd Graham White 118

3rd Mick Greenway 114


Matchman Points

1st Keith Hughes 1363

2nd Graham White 1254

3rd Cody Hughes 1094



1st Keith Hughes 342Ib 7oz

2nd Graham White 327Ib 6oz

3rd Cody Hughes 274Ib 13oz


Total weight so far this season is 3,633Ib.