Match Report

Match:  Kirkby Bott 3rd Leg
Venue:  Watersfield
Winner:  Mike Kitchener
8 - 11 -0
Runner Up:  Vince Herringshaw
6 - 14 - 0
Third:  Mick Greenway
4 - 12 - 4


There is a problem with getting the match times around a reasonable high tide at Watersfield. I had to alter the fishing times of this match from that in the handbook and we ended up fishing 3 hours of the tide up, minimal slack water and then the rest of the match on the outgoing tide. Fishing both the tide both in the up and down phase indicated that the best fishing is on the outgoing tide. There was a frost (first one of the year) both on the coast and in the field by the river. There was also a mist rising off of the river so very much Mr Crabtree conditions.

Again a wide range of tactics were used in this match including the pole feeder, which John Williams used to get lots of bites which he found difficult to hit. Everyone caught in the match and showed the large numbers of small fish that are in this stretch of the river, unfortunately none of the large barbel, bream and roach that inhabit this stretch were caught.Fishing the most downstream peg before the reeds was Mike Kitchener who used a bolo float on a whip fishing to hand to catch roach, dace and bleak weighing 8-11-0 to win the match. He fished maggot over groundbait.

In second place was Vince Herringshaw who fished the swim before the trees to weigh in 6-14-0. He used either the flat float or pole float on the pole to catch roach and dace.

Another Kitch winning bag from the Arun this time In second place was Vince
First placed Kitch and second placed Vince worked hard for their bags of silvers

Mick Greenway was in third fishing upstream from Kitch and used a bolo float fishing maggot over groundbait to weigh in 4-12-4

Overall in the Kirkby Bott series Kitch is leading with 24 points from Vince with 23 points. There is one leg to go at the beginning of December.

In the club matches  Kitch (148 points) is leading in the Clubman from Keith (128 points), in the Matchman ( 974 to 592points) and the Weight (212-0-8 to 123-1-0)