Match Report
Lower Pond Result – There are a limited number of pegs at Bethwins and the six anglers who booked in were equally split between the two ponds. There was no work party at the venue this year and hence some cutting back of some vegetation was required, particularly in Mike Kitchener’s swim where he made full use of the long handled saw to cut back the overhanging branches. This competition was held later in the year and the tadpoles normally seen at this venue were noticeable by their absence. The weather was also fine which is also unusual for Bethwins but the walk to ponds was as long as ever, with the long grass not aiding progress. Over the years we have seen a reduction in the number of tench caught and this year was not exception with only 3 caught over the two ponds. No carp were caught in the Lower pond although the anglers did try for them.
Mike Kitchener was in first place and he caught 1 tench and perch on the whip to weigh in 6-5-4 from the first swim on the side.
In second place was Dave Herbert with a 4-2-0 bag of perch. Dave was fishing at the opposite end to the dam wall.
Keith Hughes was fishing on the dam wall and caught 2-13-4 of perch to take third place