Match Report
Yet again a dry day at Bethwins we are obviously in for a good summer! Vince had put together a kit to re-build the top stile, so we went across the field with timber and tools strapped to our trolleys. With everyone mucking in we soon had a nice new stile which will hopefully last us a few years.
John W drew the peg that all the perch had come from last time round, however he had really only set himself up for carp and tench with corn, meat and pellet. His tactics paid off as he had two nice carp which together weighed over 12lb and a decent net of tench and a few perch boosted his weight to 20 – 2 – 0 to win the lake.
Vince was in the favoured open swim round the back and lost 4 or 5 carp which disappeared round the corner but he managed to get a smallish one out and this together with a good net of tench gave him 11 – 5 – 0 for 2nd place.
John S also lost carp and had to settle for a mainly perch bag with a few tench for 8 – 7 – 0 and 3rd place.