Match Report

Match:  Pairs Match
Venue:  Stanbridge View
Winner:  Cody Hughes
59 - 13 - 0
Runner Up:  Vince Herringshaw
55 - 14 - 0
Third:  Jon Arnold
48 - 14 - 0


The pairs match was fished at one of our favourite away day venues –  Stanbridge View. From previous experience  we decided to move the draw back to 8.45 and fished from 10am until 4pm to try and make the most of the better afternoon fishing. It turned out to be a good move not only because the fishing in the last hour was good but also the rain that came at around 12pm stopped at 3pm so the gear had time to dry out and it is always easier to weigh in when it is dry!

At the draw for the random pairs Vince and Mick drew together and also drew good pegs, we all knew it was going to be hard to beat them. Cody and our guest for the day another youngster Dexter drew together.

Vince and Cody got off to a flying start with a fish every put in and Mick and Gary were getting a few but the rest of us struggled to put more than the odd small fish in the net.After a couple of hours Cody walked around to talk to Dexter, and that along with a little advice from Vince who was pegged next to him saw him start catching a few bigger fish.

Pairs Result

1st Vince and Mick 101Ib – 12oz (as predicted)

Cody and Dexter 94Ib – 14oz

Keith and Jon 89Ib – 8oz

Cody wins at Stanbridge View