Match Report
It was only when I started preparing the first of the new season’s match reports that I found the last report from last season and realised that I had not put it on the website. This was a noticeable omission as this match produced the heaviest weights for the season. The last match of the season is an away day which we try and organise on a hopefully prolific non Petworth and Bognor water.
This year’s match was held on Petersfield’s Nyewood Lower Lake which holds carp, bream, good sized roach, skimmers and some big perch and expectations were high as the temperature had started to rise. The lake shallows off at the dam end and it was from the deeper non dam area that the heaviest catches were taken. The fish had not moved in numbers down towards the shallow end where large catches can be taken in summer. The day was bright and sunny and we had 10 anglers fishing. Good catches of carp, roach, skimmers and bream were taken along with several big perch weighing up to 3pounds.
In first place was Vince Herringshaw who had a mainly pole caught bag of carp, roach and skimmer bream. This totalled 50-8-0 and required 3 weighings and the majority of the weight was carp caught in the margins.
Close behind Vince was Mike Kitchener, who has become a regular at matches, who weighed in 48-10-0 of carp, roach and skimmer bream caught on the pole.
In third place was Keith Hughes who again used the pole to catch carp, roach, skimmer bream and two large perch totalling 33-5-0.
Overall over 225 pounds of fish were caught and this is certainly a venue to consider for next season’s away day.