Match Report

Match:  Pole Only 3
Venue:  Cart Pond
Winner:  Keith Hughes
22 - 10 - 0
Runner Up:  Graham White
20 - 12 - 0
Third:  Steve Penticost
3 - 14 - 0


Back to normal as far as the weather was concerned, last week we had to contend with a hard frost, today wet and windy but mild.
Graham White got off to a flier from Peg 16 which is always a good Carp peg if you can get them out and Graham was doing well. By lunchtime he could put his feet up and get the cigars out as he was streets ahead of everyone else. However the afternoon was a little different with persistence paying off for Keith on Peg27, fishing to the island at the full length of his pole he finally managed to find the Carp and over the afternoon session gradually caught up and just overtook Graham to squeeze first place with 22lb 10oz to Graham’s 20lb 12oz. The rest of the anglers had to concentrate on the silver fish and the best of these was Steve Penticost with 3lb 14oz for third place.

Keith just pipped Graham on Cart Pond