Match Report

Match:  Still Evening 1
Venue:  Hurston Tench Pond
Winner:  Jon Arnold
7 - 9 - 0
Runner Up:  Richard Garnham
5 - 15 - 0
Third:  Gary Collins
3 - 2 - 0


The first match in the Stillwater evening series was held on the Tench Pond at Hurston on a calm, warm, dry evening. First of all, I would like to thank those members who had given up their time to clear the weed out of some of the pegs on the lake, along with opening up Pegs 3 and 7. However there had been a heavy fall of willow pollen which made it difficult to pick out the edges of the weed banks. Catches consisted of small Crucians and Tench, with occasional larger Tench and Crucians along with Rudd. The number of small Tench and Crucians caught is hopefully a good sign for the future.

In first place was Jon Arnold, fishing peg 5 and he started off well with a Tench of about 2lb. He fished the pole, using worm or corn to catch another similar sized Tench along with a Crucian of about 1lb plus small Tench and Crucians to weigh in 7-9-0. Jon also won the Golden peg.

Richard Garnham used worm on the pole to catch Tench, Crucians and Rudd weighing 5-15-0 to take second place on Peg 3.

Gary Collins fished the pole on peg 4 catching 3-2-0 of Crucians, Tench and Rudd to take third place.

Jon with his winning catch from Hurston Tench Pond