Match Report
A fine but very blowy morning greeted us at Hurston Match lake, Hopes were high as apart from the storms over the past few days the weather had been mild for over a week. After a walk around the lake to make sure no trees had come down or looked like they may be dangerous the all clear was given and we pegged even numbers on both sides of the lake to give everyone some space and hope to find where the fish may have shoaled up.
Things got off to a slow start with just the odd fish showing, but things picked up as the day went on.
Richard fishing peg 14 fished worms towards the pads between 14 and 13 and found 7 F1s and a few silver fish. His total weight of 20lb 2oz was good for first place.
Not far behind was Steve with 19lb 4oz he fished peg 10 and fishing hard across too the island into the bay swapping between punched bread and pinkies he found 5 F1s, 2 Carp and a nice Perch.
Graham drew peg 1 again and ran to his peg after doing so well in the last match but found it hard going for the first few hours, but after getting closer and closer to the pads did find a few nice F1s and a Carp for 13lb 9oz.