Match Report

Match:  W Sampson Cup 1st Leg
Venue:  Hurston Match Pond
Winner:  Steve Simmonds
Runner Up:  Colin Bridger
Third:  Graham White


In the majority of my reports in 2019 I make a comment about the adverse weather that seriously affects the fishing and this match was no different. There had been heavy overnight rain on Saturday and also during Friday so the path were muddy and made it heavy going walking up to the Match Lake. Hurston Lane was also flooded in the normal area even though the council had cleared the area.

Only three anglers weighed with only 3 carp and 2 roach being caught.

In first place was Steve Simmonds fishing peg 3 into the reeds. He used bread to catch 2 carp on the long pole weighing 7-0-0.

Colin Bridger, fishing peg 5, had a bite on maggot on his first drop in but lost the carp he hooked. He then managed to catch another carp, weighing 3-3-0 on bread paste, on the long pole to take second place.

They both hooked a couple, Steve landed his to win the match unfortunately Colin lost one of his.

Graham White was fishing peg 10 and managed to find 2 roach weighing 0-2-0 and third place.