Match Report

Match:  Away Day 4
Venue:  Passies
Winner:  Keith Hughes
22 - 7 - 0
Runner Up:  Mick Greenway
17 - 6 - 0
Third:  Graham White
14 - 6 - 0


A very wet and extremely windy Passies greeted the intrepid few who turned out for this match. We even had a couple of guests but I suspect that they would have preferred not to have bothered. Before the match had started Paul C’s box and everything attached was blown into the water. Unfortunately the drawers were open on his box and deposited most of their contents on to the lake bottom. He ended up braving the water to recover what he could but lost a lot of tackle. Peter C managed to break the No. 4 section on his pole during the match, so all in all an expensive day for our guests.

Keith decided that he was going to try for the silver fish as he was due to fish a silver fish match on the venue in a week or so’s time. He had some success and together with a few Carp his 22lb 7oz was sufficient for first place.

Mick tried the feeder over for a while with no success and ended up catching on a short pole line and weighed in 17lb 6oz for second place.

In third place was Graham who weighed in 14lb 6oz.