All The News

All The News

A Barbel at Last

Phillip Blunsum had this Club Record equalling Barbel of 18lb 6oz at Watersfield just before the end of … Read More

It is with great regret that I have to report the death of Edward ‘Rab’ Butler a keen … Read More

At the end of his recent summary of his season’s successes on the River Rother Stephen Gray suggested … Read More

Steve Warner caught the 5lb 6oz Chub pictured below whilst long trotting maggot using a forty year old … Read More

Coates Castle Ghostie

Colin Bridger almost got a fright when he hooked into the ghost Koi Carp pictured below whilst Chub … Read More

Chris Humphry Memorial

Once again an intrepid, optimistic group of barbel anglers gathered in the car park at Coultershaw ever hopeful … Read More

The team of Barbel Society anglers who organised and fished this sponsored challenge in aid of the Army … Read More

On Sunday 14 July 2013 a collection of ever-hopeful barbel anglers assembled in the car park at Coultershaw … Read More

Vince Collier who won our recent caption competition recently visited Arun Angling to collect his prize. Vince’s winning … Read More

Third Time Unlucky

On Sunday 17 February 2013 a dozen anglers gathered in the car park at Coultershaw, hoping for the … Read More

Christophe Pelhate caught this magnificent Barbel below from our stretch of the Arun at Watersfield during a late … Read More

Latest Stocking At Hurston

We received our latest consignment of fish at Hurston on Wednesday 19th December. This was a batch of … Read More

Notes From 2012 AGM

The Chairman welcomed the 40 members of the Club who attended the 2012 AGM at The Black Horse … Read More

This year’s participants before the fish-in Well its déjà vu for this event! Last year our first barbel … Read More

Early Season Specimen

Dave Chambers gets the 2012/13 Specimen Trophy contenders list off to a great start with this 15lb 4oz … Read More